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Built for Users and Enterprise

Pomnie fits perfectly with insurance, financial and bereavement offerings. If your customers are invested in taking care of their loved ones after they’re gone, consider partnering with us.

better experience

Stand out from your competitors by bringing something new to the table. Bundle your products with Pomnie, we guarantee that your customers will appreciate such a useful tool.

improved engagement

We help create more touchpoints for deeper engagement with your customers. Use Pomnie to market relevant offerings, make announcements and stay in touch with them.

deeper understanding

Learn more about your customers’ needs and wants through high level aggregated data without breaching anyone’s privacy. Over 200+ data points to help you know them better.

identify opportunities

Once you’ve gained a better understanding of your customers, we have sophisticated algorithms in place to help you match their unfulfilled needs to the most suitable offerings.

generate leads

Customers using Pomnie will invite 2~3 people to view their plan. We’ll help you reach out to these people too which means for every 1,000 customers onboarded, we’ll generate 2,000~3,000 more leads for you.

Real data to back us up

Popular among 28-40 year olds

Consistently convert ~25% of users/month

Generate 2~3 more leads for each customer onboarded

>60% are interested in being matched with products






Enterprise Partners

Ready to partner up?

Reach out to our sales team to learn more about our partnership models and explore running a pilot with us.